Friday, February 1, 2008

Mission Impossible: Save the Republican Party

It ain't over, folks.

Email your friends -- all of your friends -- the official candidate comparison chart, below.

Whip it out in the voting booth on Super Tuesday.

Support amnesty or rewards for illegal aliensYesYesYesNo
Oppose oil exploration in the USYesYesYesNo
Tax gas 50 cents a gallon more for global warmingYesYesYesNo
Restrict freedom of speech during electionsYesYesYesNo
Oppose Bush tax cutsYesYesYesNo
Close Gitmo, prosecute POWs in U.S. courtsYesYesYesNo
Surrender Iraq to IranYesYesNoNo

Vote accordingly.

Linked by: the irrepressible Don Surber and the prolific Gateway Pundit. Thanks!


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