Thursday, January 31, 2008

Your Handy Candidate Comparison Chart

Whip it out in the voting booth on Super Tuesday (hat tips: Hugh Hewitt and Dan Riehl).

Support amnesty or rewards for illegal aliensYesYesYesNo
Oppose oil exploration in the USYesYesYesNo
Tax gas 50 cents a gallon more for global warmingYesYesYesNo
Restrict freedom of speech during electionsYesYesYesNo
Oppose Bush tax cutsYesYesYesNo
Close Gitmo, prosecute POWs in U.S. courtsYesYesYesNo
Surrender Iraq to IranYesYesNoNo

Vote accordingly.

Linked by: Ace o' Spades, AmerPundit, Conservative Belle, Freedom Folks, Gateway Pundit, Gina Cobb, GM Roper, Grizzly Groundswell, Inoperable Terran, Miss Kelly, and Pike Speak. Thanks!


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