Friday, June 13, 2008

Former USF student pleads guilty to terrorism charge

Remember the case of the two South Florida students detained near a military base in South Carolina after pipe bombs were found in their car?

One of the two entered a plea deal today, though it's unlikely you heard it through our beloved mainstream media.

Last September the U.S. Attorney's Office released details regarding the contents of their car: pipes filled with fertilizer, Karo syrup, kitty litter, bullets and fuses, a laptop with a history of web searches on Jihadist martyrdom, Hamas and Qassam rockets and video instructions for turning a remote-control car into a detonator.

Today Youseff Mohamed entered a plea agreement admitting guilt.

In the court document, he admits to providing material to support terrorists. He also acknowledges that a YouTube video he produced was to be used in "preparation for or in carrying out the killing of employees of the United States," including uniformed personnel.

I wonder if the U.S. Attorney will receive an apology from CAIR.

I won't hold my breath.

More info: The Plea Agreement and Gateway Pundit. Linked by: LGF. Thanks!
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Photo o' the day: Sadr City

And maybe photo o' the year.

Ripped off from Gateway Pundit
, who has the back-story.

How good are our troops? They've gone ahead and won a war that even some of our own politicians -- Democrats like Harry Reid -- said was "lost." I wonder when Reid and the rest of the Democrats will issue a formal apology to the U.S. military.
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Thursday, June 12, 2008

Survivor: ObamaFriends

I'm Jeff Probst and welcome to the season finale of...

Survivor ObamaFriends!

Let's recap the first eight weeks of the show.

Week one: campaign financier Tony Rezko, who Barack kicked off the show with the immortal words Turn that f***ing camera off you s***head!

Week two: Barack's lifelong friend, pastor and advisor Jeremiah Wright was booted, leaving a farewell message of G*dd**n America and its televisions! These shows were invented to harm all people of color!

Week three: It was time for one-time terrorist and Obama fundraiser William Ayers to leave. He said, I don't regret anything I've done on this show, including stealing all of Jeremiah Wright's underwear. I feel we didn't do enough."

Week four: Father William Pfleger bid us adieu with the immortal words: "America is the greatest sin against God and the second greatest sin in this damnable show!"

Week five: State Senator and Reverend James Meeks left the show in a hurried controversy when he said of your beloved host -- Jeff Probst, "He may not be a slave master. But we have the same game show hosts. It's the same white people who are presiding over reality shows where black people are not eligible!!!”

Week six: Obama campaign adviser Jim Johnson was jettisoned from the campaign when questionable loans from subprime lender Countrywide were revealed. When asked to tape a closing comment for the show, he simply passed gas and then made a "rim-shot" noise.

Well... the time to reveal our Survivor winner has arrived.

Barack must choose from the two finalists: Hillary Clinton or his wife: Michelle Obama. Earlier, Barack wrote the name of the loser and deposited it in the ballot box. Let's read it now!

And the second-place finisher is... Michelle Obama! Michelle, any final words before you depart? I'll give you some words! I'll give you some damn words, you two-faced... --

And our finalist is... wait just a second... ...there's another vote in the box! It says Barack Obama!

That can't be right!

I'm afraid those are the rules, Barry!

And that -- that means -- Hillary Clinton is our winner!

How the f*** did she do that?

How did I lose? I had this wrapped up!!

Hehehe! I love it when a plan comes together!

Texas-sized tip o' the hat to: Reliapundit.
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Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Your Handy Gas Savings Cheat Sheet

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Line o' the Day: Surberisms

Don Surber on endemic vote fraud:

In addition to requiring a photo ID from voters, perhaps a mirror should be held to their nostrils to make sure they are still breathing.

Ever notice that it is always the Democrats who register in the cemeteries?
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The Audacity of Gullibility

David Jeffers, a religion columnist at New Media Journal, describes "The Deep Faith of Barack Obama." His analysis dissects a 2004 interview with Obama that is -- to be frank -- quite disturbing given what we now know about his relationships and judgment.

...First, Senator Obama says in the interview:

So that, one of the churches I met, or one of the churches that I became involved in was Trinity United Church of Christ. And the pastor there, Jeremiah Wright, became a good friend. So I joined that church and committed myself to Christ in that church.

By now most Americans know about the controversy swirling around Reverend Wright and the majority of people do not believe that Senator Obama could be a member of that church and not know about Reverend Wright's racist tendencies. But what if he is telling the truth, what if he didn't know?

Then there is something more troubling and it brings into question Senator Obama's judgment and his ability to evaluate people's motives and desires. How is it possible that a grown man educated in an Ivy League school could be taken completely by surprise over Jeremiah Wright's behavior? When asked if he had people in his life he looked to for guidance, Senator Obama responded:

Well, my pastor is certainly someone who I have an enormous amount of respect for... I have a number of friends who are ministers. Reverend Meeks is a close friend and colleague of mine in the state Senate. Father Michael Pfleger is a dear friend and somebody I interact with closely.

Add on to Senator Obama's list his dear friend convicted felon Tony Rezko and his associate, domestic terrorist Bill Ayers, and we have a pattern here. And if it is true that Barack Obama was completely fooled and surprised by the behavior of these four men, three of whom he says " not the man I knew", then that leads to a very important question.

How are we to trust this man to sit across the negotiating table with the likes of Iran's Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, Syria's Bashar al-Assad, North Korea's Kim Jong-Il, or Venezuela's Hugo Chavez? Senator Obama has already stated that he would initiate "tough negotiations" with these four countries and yet he is unable to know the hearts and minds of three close friends and one political associate?

Those are damn good questions.

Hat tip: Larwyn
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Obama Campaign Blog: putting neocons and the "Israel lobby" in formaldehyde is a "perfect solution"

That crack, Internet-savvy web team at Obama Central is really on the ball. Since January 12th, 2008, an Obama campaign blog posted by a racist crackpot ("blu") has advocated a "perfect solution" for neocons and the "Israel lobby": putting them in formaldehyde.

What Israel, her Israel Lobby, and her neocons desire is to successfully manipulate America to permit and support Israel's illegal occupation of Palestine (which takes care of her internal enemies, the Palestinians) while manipulating America to illegally attack any nation Israel and her Israel Lobby sends us to attack (which takes care of her external enemies)...

...What workable plans do Israel and her Israel Lobby have for the Palestinians and peace in Palestine? The Likud/Netanyahu extremist Israelis running Israel have put the dead Palestinians in a jar of formaldehyde on the shelf - preserved dead forever...

...I say the neocons have suggested their own perfect solution - we put the neocons and the Israel Lobby in formaldehyde and we put it up on a shelf and teach generations of Americans what crimes, disasters, and holocaust they have wrought upon the world, America, and the Palestinians...

But wait! There's more!

...I love that Samantha is at the Kennedy School of Government along with Stephen Walt - Walt being the coauthor of the seminal work on 'The Israel Lobby' along with Mearsheimer. Samantha is a perfect choice for stopping our neocon-led phoney war on terror EVERYBODY KNOWS is really a 'war of terror for Israel' but just about everybody in academia or politics simply don't have the cojones to say. Edwards and Samantha are visionary enough to have the guts to overcome the 'Israel Lobby's' kibosh on discussing these truths. [EVERYBODY KNOWS? Jeez, I was out of the loop on that one.]

At the very core of our involvement in Iraq and Iran is our support for the slow genocide of Palestine that the Israelis have been carrying out for the last 60 years in blatant violation of UN Sec Co Resolutions 242, 194, 338, the Geneva Conventions, and International Law...

Historical revisionism and virulent hatred at a presidential candidate's blog: now that's change we can believe in!

Update: Obama's campaign has reportedly hired web specialists to "fight web smears." He might want to spend some of that money on cleaning up his own blog first.
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