The brilliant Thomas Sowell unleashes the dogs of war on Barack Obama:
Despite clever spin from Obama’s supporters about avoiding “guilt by association,” much more is involved than casual association with people like Jeremiah Wright and Father Pfleger.In addition to giving $20,000 of his own money to Jeremiah Wright, as a state senator Obama directed $225,000 of the Illinois taxpayers’ money for programs run by Father Pfleger. In the U.S. Senate, Obama earmarked $100,000 in federal tax money for Father Pfleger’s work. Giving someone more than 300 grand is not just some tenuous, coincidental association.
...Does anyone seriously consider what it would mean for Iran to have nuclear weapons? They are already supplying terrorists with the means of killing people in other countries, including killing American troops in Iraq.
Sen. Obama has been downplaying the Iran threat, saying that they are just “a small country,” not like the Soviet Union. The people who flew planes into the World Trade Center were an even smaller group than the Iranian government...
Hat tip: Carpe Diem.
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