Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Obama's donation website accepts illegal foreign contributions

Barack Obama's electronic contribution site ( -- not hyperlinked for obvious reasons) accepts donations from countries like China, Iran, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia and Somalia -- although someone had the sense to remove North Korea from the list. The donor is only required to click a check-box, which attests they are legally allowed to contribute.

Remember, Federal election law expressly forbids soliciting, accepting or receiving contributions or donations from foreign nationals:

As noted earlier, the Act prohibits knowingly soliciting, accepting or receiving contributions or donations from foreign nationals. In this context, "knowingly" means that a person:

* Has actual knowledge that the funds solicited, accepted, or received are from a foreign national;
* Is aware of facts that would lead a reasonable person to believe that the funds solicited, accepted, or received are likely to be from a foreign national;
* Is aware of facts that would lead a reasonable person to inquire whether the source of the funds solicited, accepted or received is a foreign national...

No other presidential candidate allows such an easy channel for illegal campaign contributions. For example, John McCain and Hillary Clinton do not accept donations from abroad without a complete, written documentation packet sent via postal mail.

It would seem to me that Obama's form is in direct violation of federal law. I think we should demand an accounting of these foreign contributions and his campaign should follow precedent by requiring documentation of legal status for foreign donors.


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