Bow down before the awesome genius of Nepos Libertas: "Eulogy before the Inevitability of Self-Destruction: The Decline and Death of Israel."
Before the covetous Zionist movement multiply like cancer cells, there was a degree of harmony between the Palestinian Arab and the Semite Jew of Israelite origin who share ethnic heritage in common as the descendants of Abraham......[Israel] emerged as a major power and a formidable challenger of existing Arabic powers that will decide the fate of the world, beginning with November 22, 1963 coup d'etat in CIA-MOSSAD coordinated assassination of President Kennedy which unnaturally led to the hasty re-evaluation of American foreign policy for adjustion that align with the interests of Israeli state for total compatibility in irreversibly entangled alliance.
...Israel embody the vessel of boiling blood of horror and perfidy in demonic vileness for its pattern of terrorism and murder in the name of Zionist ideology.
...Drunken by its belief of entitlement and arrogance - as well as inability to streamline the management of the Israeli economy for great liberalization of the sluggish economy beset by bureaucratic incompetence and vanity because it feeds on the carcass of the financial corpses of the United States and Germany in reparations perpetuated in the name of the victims of the Nazi Holocaust (which enlightened the Zionists to convene the fulfillment of Theodor Herzl's penile fantasy for the permanent home of the scattered tribe of brutish and incorrigible Ashkenazi Khazar descendants to assimilate the customs, culture and genetics of the ancient Israelites) - Israel now believes it has the power to exercise control of the region by subversive means even if the result will be counterproductive that may end in disastrous blowback not only for Israel but also precipitate the accelerated fall of the United States in economic and moral collapse in mismanagement of the host nation's priorities.
...This is the bidding of a farewell formed in the extension of a middle finger by the militantly atheistic Luciferian Ashkenazic Jewish sect that - resolved they be - believe in - by genetic predisposition and/or indoctrination from birth - supremacism of the Master Race, because they have accomplished the goal of procreating State of Israel to dominate in hegemony by the art of seduction, after centuries of persecution and expulsion on charge of treason by subversion of host nations, blood rituals in human sacrifice of Gentile children, corruption and ravishing of women, conspiracy to injure and murder esteemed officers & rulers and usurious & fraudulent deed in union with the spiritual descendants of the wicked Jews of the extinct Sadducee sect, the persecutor and abetted executioner of Jesus Christ, propagating fruition of the species as the "Chosen One" and bringing the world to its knees without mercy for subservience and obedience by slavery (brainwash) and tyranny.
...Israel's fate is uncertain, but I am positively certain it will, to paraphrase Ayatollah Khomeini, "vanish from the page of time". Its eventual destruction will be effectuated by its own hands -- the checkmate action that fit the personas of a maddeningly ambitious, ferocious, delusional and suicidal psychopath.
A little work on his diction and "Nepos" could get an offer to collaborate from Mearsheimer and Walt. Or Hamas.
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