Wednesday, April 9, 2008

'Verizon Guy' Style Guide

Consumerist has published the 'Verizon Guy Style Guide' online, presumably after it was leaked by a disgruntled Verizon employee (how come we've never heard of a gruntled employee before? Don't they exist?). The Style Guide states -- in hilariously precise terms -- how the Verizon Guy may be deployed in marketing initiatives.

The line ["Can you hear me know?"] should always be used in its entirety. No partial line and no use of "Can you hear me now?" without "Good!" to follow...

In other words, never use:

Can you hear me now? ... Hello? ... Hello? Zero f***ing bars? What the f***? G******t!! I'm in my f***ing house for f***'s sake!

Hat tip: Vanderleun


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