Saturday, April 12, 2008

Best of the First Quarter 2008 posts

Actually, the left column has some of my favorite posts from the first quarter of 2008. The right column has some older articles that are ready for the archives.

Star Trek: The Olbermann Gambit

Ten Worst Brands of All Time

China introduces new Olympic sports

Hero of Bosnia

Hillary hits the red button

More things change, the more they stay the same

Convicts await stoning deaths in Nigeria

No country for young men

796 (Superdelegates, not Spartans)

ADAA presents: Super Tuesday Bowl 2008

Iran TV: Naval Victory over Great Satan

John Edwards love child saga and the MSM

Al Gore: Set to Profit from Eco-Suckaz... again

"I'm having a conversation. With sock-puppets."

CNN reveals a 'safe house' -- and more!

SCHIP for Dummies (and others)

Hurricane Paul threatens to swamp campaign

The Adventures of Barack Obama

A Senator faces a reporter's inquiry: 2036

Google Street Views: Beltway Edition


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