Friday, March 21, 2008

Trinity Church and Hamas: no complaints from Barack Obama

"...most Americans are only fed a media diet on Islam as it relates to the "war on terror" and the Palestinian muslim [sic] problem in the 'state' of Israel."   -- Rev. Dr. Jeremiah A. Wright, Jr. - July 8, 2007

Point of order: BizzyBlog is performing yeoman's work reporting on the ties between terrorists and Obama's spiritual advisor. These aren't indirect links; they are purposeful and concrete.

In July of 2007 -- during the height of the Obama's presidential positioning -- his beloved church published a "Hamas manifesto" in its newsletter.

The manifesto -- as one could probably guess -- calls for the murder of Jews and the destruction of Israel.

The tome itself is signed by Mousa Abu Marzook, Hamas' "political director" and a federal fugitive.

Marzook refers to Hamas' charter as a "revolutionary document," comparing it to the Declaration of Independence. In reality, the charter calls for genocide by eradicating Jews worldwide. Marzook also claims Hamas targets only Israel, but Hamas has routinely threatened America and other "infidels" around the world; Hamas' charter states that Muslims must "pursue the cause of the [Hamas] Movement, all over the globe."

As a reminder, Hamas' attacks on civilians have killed scores of Israelis and Americans. In a spate of civilian mass-murder over a year's period of time, Hamas was responsible for a series of bloody suicide bombings.

June 1, 2001: At a seaside disco in Tel Aviv, 21 killed.

Aug. 9, 2001: At the Sbarro pizzeria in Jerusalem, 15 killed.

Dec. 1, 2001: In a pedestrian mall in Jerusalem, 11 killed.

Dec. 2, 2001: On a bus in the coastal city of Haifa, 15 killed.

March 9, 2002: At the Moment cafe in Jerusalem, 11 killed.

March 27, 2002: At the Park Hotel in Netanya, 29 killed.

March 31, 2002: At a restaurant in Haifa, 15 killed.

May 7, 2002: At a pool hall in Rishon Letzion, south of Tel Aviv, 15 killed.

June 18, 2002: On a bus in Jerusalem, 19 killed.

Other lists are more comprehensive, highlighting Hamas' preference for killing children.

Disturbing as Wright's pro-Hamas and anti-Israel propaganda may be, it appears to be entirely typical for the hateful, racist ex-leader of Obama's church.

BizzyBlog also describes another church bulletin featuring none other than Obid Safi of the "Progressive Muslims Union" (PMU). Those who have researched PMU have discovered uncomfortable ties between the self-described reformist group and radical extremists.

Kudos to Tom Blumer of BizzyBlog for his exceptional work in exposing the links between Rev. Wright and terrorists and their apologists.

Even more unsettling is the realization that Barack Obama was aware of Wright's virulent anti-Semitic leanings, his implicit support for terror and obvious racism and chose to do nothing. Instead of divorcing himself from this hateful loser, he instead wedded his campaign to his "spiritual mentor", adviser and friend.

Update: Gateway Pundit has the essential wrap-up.

Update II: Let Freedom Ring has the critical quotes.


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