There's this:
"It was a slaughterhouse"... "When we got in... we saw young, 15-, 16-year-old guys lying on the floor with their Bibles in their hands - all dead on the floor..."
Eight people have been killed and nine wounded by a Palestinian gunman who infiltrated a Jewish seminary in West Jerusalem, Israeli officials say...Witnesses said the gunman went into a crowded hall during dinner at the Mercaz Harav seminary in the city's Kiryat Moshe quarter and opened fire...
In Gaza, thousands celebrated the attacks in Jerusalem.
Palestinians distribute[d] sweets in celebration of Jerusalem terror attack as Hamas promises 'this is only the beginning'... Gaza's streets filled with joyous crowds of thousands on Thursday evening following the terror attack at a Jerusalem rabbinical seminary in which eight people were killed.In mosques in Gaza City and northern Gaza, many residents went to perform the prayers of thanksgiving... Armed men fired in the air in celebration and others passed out sweets to passersby...
And then there's this:
During the 2006 summer war with Hezbollah, Israel dropped leaflets in Lebanon to alert civilians of forthcoming military actions.
Due to the terrorist activities carried out by Hizbullah, the Israeli Army will continue its work within Lebanese territories for as long as it deems fit to protect Israeli citizens. For your own safety and because we do not wish to cause any more civilian deaths, you are advised to avoid all places frequented by Hizbullah.You should know that the continuation of terrorist activities against Israel will be considered a double-edged sword for you and Lebanon.
(signed) The State of Israel.
Someday soon, I hope that Vanderleun's letter will be addressed, stamped and dropped in a mailbox.
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