Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Obama's church newsletter: Israel's ethnic-cleansing bomb

In June 2007, Obama's "church" published a completely insane letter-to-the-editor accusing Israel of creating an ethnic-cleansing bomb (via Sweeetness & Light)

I must tell you that Israel was the closest ally to the White Supremacists of South Africa. In fact, South Africa allowed Israel to test its nuclear weapons in the ocean off South Africa. The Israelis were given a blank check: they could test whenever they desired and did not even have to ask permission. Both worked on an ethnic bomb that kills Blacks and Arabs.

Arabs have always supported the dismantling of this racist government. In 1962, African-Arab Sudan granted Mandela a passport to travel with to gain international support in his struggle to free his people. Libya, among other Arab states, provided Mandela and other African liberation movements, political as well as material support. As a result, Libya was designated by the White House as a terrorist rogue state...

The letter, authored by one Ali Baghdadi, is so completely embedded with falsehoods that the only words that aren't lies are "the" and "and."

Of course, Baghdadi's credentials are impeccable.

Middle East advisor to the Honorable Elijah Muhammad the founder of the Nation of Islam, as well as Minister Louis Farrakhan; visited more than 80 countries throughout the world and met with many of their leaders, including ...Castro, Saddam Hussein, Hafez Assad, Qathafi, Abdallah ibn Abdel-Aziz, Rafsanjani, Ayatollah Khamenei...

Friend to dictators and servant of terrorists.

But I'm sure that Sen. Obama never saw, heard or otherwise had exposure to this and related topics discussed at "church".

Update: Ace has all of the related links


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